One of the best parts of being at Stevens is hanging out with cool (compared to me), young (compared to me), up-and-coming scholars, from whom I can learn a lot about science and technology.
Posts published in “Opinion”
In order to compete for fans’ attention, modern video games are often marked by intricacies in designs and various systems. Recently, video game advertisements attract fans’ attention by showcasing exciting new features often in the forms of complex gameplay based on many of the game’s elements.
I was raised in a Catholic household, like many other children in a predominately Irish Catholic town. I pray three Hail Marys and Our Fathers before I leave my room every morning and try to go to mass every Sunday.
Piracy is stupidly easy.
In previous editorials, I have made comments about the Internet on a variety of topics, including one regarding online anonymity.
Last Friday, millions of Snapchat users were dismayed to find 200,000 of their sent pictures leaked on the Internet. The leak came from a third-party plugin that uses Snapchat’s unofficial API,,
I feel like I’ve been a different person since I’ve come to Stevens. This past week, I was actually a little sad about it.
Almost every day, the media reports some alleged breakthrough stemming from research on cancer, leading many people to believe that science is winning the war against this dread disease.
Once upon a time, I wrote a column called “Apolitically Correct,” and once the debates were over as to who would lead this country, I had a special country that I loved following: North Korea.
When you were a small child in (insert hometown here), did you ever think of what you wanted to be when you grew up?
On Monday, the company formerly known as Hewlett-Packard announced to investors that they will be splitting the company into two separate entities with different goals.