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Posts published in “Mind of a Freshman”

Mind of a Freshman is an Opinion column written by one or two first-year Stevens students to discuss life experiences during their time at Stevens, and other related subject matter.

Sick as a duck

It happened. I didn’t think it would ever happen to me. The upperclassmen warned me, and I didn’t believe them — until it was too late.


No, this article isn’t about the past participle of the word “slink.” Partly because there’s not much to say about it, partly because I have something else that’s interesting to write about, but mostly because we go to a tech school and almost nobody really cares about grammar.

Risky business

I’ve realized how easy it is to fall into a routine. Having a set schedule is really great and it keeps you busy—but that’s if you’re an old person.

Procrastinating Perfectly

“Priorities” are something of an urban legend to us college kids. We do whatever we want, whenever we want, with nobody to remind us of the things we should be doing.

Which Website?

Sometimes, I forget where I am. I actually wake up confused for a moment. Then I realize that I am in my dorm room – not home.

I Love Stevens

If your name is Steven, I apologize for the confusion: I don’t think I’ve met you (or anyone named Steven yet), but I am simply in love with our beautiful university!