A recent stir within the Asian-American student body arose when a picture featuring Geoffrey Lim (a 4/5 undergraduate student here at Stevens) and his relatives (his two sisters and his cousin) surfaced in a group chat with Geoffrey and his friends.
Posts published in “Letter to the Editor”
The petition led by Andy Waldron regarding why the Gateway Building was named after Greg Gianforte has developed a lot of controversy, and understandably so.
The naming of the Gianforte Academic Center is a disgrace to this University and a testament to the rampant corruption in colleges nationwide.
Dear Reslife,
I have been a student at Stevens for almost two years now and I have experienced firsthand the effects of the changes that the Office of Residence Life has implemented.
by James E. McClellan III, Professor Emeritus, College of Arts & Letters
Teachers are important and should not be undervalued. We have all had memorable teachers who have taught us each important things and have changed our lives.
‘Goodbye, Madam President’ — this has been a phrase I’ve been saying to myself for a while now these last few months.
On November 8, 2016, our nation held a historic, yet polarizing presidential election. Regardless of political affiliations, there were very strong reactions to the results of the elections across the country.
As a member of the Stevens population who has seen and worked with many parts of our academic arm, our clubs, career center, and student life and residence life, I, and many students who have reached out to me (or me reaching out to them), have found that there aren’t enough outlets for those looking to talk openly about the Stevens administration, for fear of them (e.g.
In response to Mind of a Freshman from October 28
To Audrey, who wrote “I Feel Sick:” thank you. I was moved by your piece.
As most of you know, the elections have come to an end and the new President has been chosen (and if you don’t know well then you’re probably living under rock).