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Posts published in “For Math’s Sake”

A conversation with fellow Math PhD student Marissa Whitby

For the last For Math’s Sake column of the semester, I interviewed fellow mathematics PhD student Marissa Whitby. Completing her undergraduate studies at Towson University in Maryland, Marissa now works in Professor Kathrin Smetana’s research group, and has previously been a teaching assistant for many mathematics courses at Stevens.

Mathematics prizes and awards

With last week’s announcements of the 2024 Nobel Prize winners, I wanted to dedicate an article to the major accolades that honor achievements and contributions in mathematics.

Busy beaver (the mathematical version)

If there were any skeptical readers of my last column thinking to themselves “how on Earth are beavers related to fundamental mathematics,” I respond to them with: doubters be dammed!

Busy beaver (the non-mathematical version)

As the title suggests, this article will be incredibly light on actual mathematics (which is probably music to many an ear) since, also as the title suggests, it has been an incredibly busy start to the semester for me.

What’s all that noise?

To ring in the new school year, I have frequently listened to perhaps the most unexciting artist on  Spotify: White Noise Radiance.