In Dublin, summer of 1984, mothers call their children home. However, three children will not be returning home from the dark and silent woods that night, and two of those children will never be returning home.
Posts published in “Book of the Week”
Book of the Week is an Opinion culture column created by Keenan Yates ‘23 used to give weekly book recommendations in the form of short blurbs and reviews.
Every family has its unfortunate realities, experiencing the harshness of life in such a way that seems like a perpetual cycle of misery and affliction.
Ove, a grumpy yet loveable man, finds his solitary world turned upside down when a friendly, loud, young family moves in next door.
Considered one of the world’s wonders, the Amber Room was a mesmerizing beauty built in the 18th century, a chamber paneled with 10,000 lbs of pure amber and decorated with mirrors and gold.
The protagonist in any crime or detective novel follows the stereotype of being a male detective who devotes his career to catching the antagonist in hopes of validation from himself or others while learning a lesson on how to embody the unbreakable masculine persona.
In 1939 France, Vianne Mauriac says goodbye to her husband, Antoine, as he is sent to the front lines of the European theater as Germany begins its advance on France.
Literature will always hold the incredible power of making us question everything we know, or what we have come to realize.
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon follows four different narrators in the divided world of East and West.
Anna is perfectly happy in Atlanta; she has a loyal best friend and a crush who is just starting to like her back.
In 1947 during the aftermath of World War II, American girl Charlie St. Clair is pregnant, unmarried, and about to be thrown out of her family.