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Posts published in “News”

Home runs hit to end world hunger

This past Wednesday afternoon, the Stevens chapter of FeelGood hosted a Wiffle Ball home run derby event on Palmer Lawn. As the Hoboken breeze blew through Palmer Lawn, bats were swinging and Wiffle Balls were flying deep – some managed to hit their home runs right into the treetops that stand in front of America’s Cup and Palmer Hall.

CSA brings Chinese culture to Stevens with Mid-Autumn Festival

The Chinese Students Association (CSA) celebrated a Chinese tradition last Wednesday by putting on a Mid-Autumn Festival in Jacobus Lounge. The event had many Chinese foods either freely available or being sold, a pool with fish that students could take back to their dorms, and Chinese decorations festooned along the walls.

ACS bonds with food

By Drew Malzahn

This past Tuesday, the student chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) met in the atrium of Babbio for their Bonding with Food event, an annual celebration of the delicious ways that chemistry helps us every day.