By Ally Doyle
There was an abundance of smiles, color, and cramps last Sunday, ushering in the first annual Color Run for the Stevens community.
By Ally Doyle
There was an abundance of smiles, color, and cramps last Sunday, ushering in the first annual Color Run for the Stevens community.
As if the doors were replaced with portals, entering Jacobus Lounge on the evening of October 2, one was transported to a new world; Latin America.
It is safe to say that many of the students here at Stevens Institute of Technology want to be engineers; however, what exactly does an engineer do on a daily basis?
Fizzy punch, sparkling red and blue glasses, and a suave dealer dressed in a crisp button down and classic black slacks.
By Drew Malzahn
This past Monday, self-described ‘sonic artist’ Marco Donnarumma demonstrated a new kind of musical instrument for the Stevens Visual Art and Technology Program, which he calls the ‘Xth Sense’.
During the fall semester, the Stevens Gear and Triangle Honor Society hosts its annual Ethics Bowl. This past Wednesday, teams of up to four members were pitted against one another for debates on topics that ranged from the media coverage of mass shootings to parental responsibility towards disabled adults.
Off Center gave their first performance of the semester with “Pancakes Without the President”. The sketch show consisted of several skits written by Off Center members and took place on October 3 and 4 in Babbio 112.
On Wednesday October 1st, Erin Foley came to Stevens to speak about women empowerment and how to lead a fearless life.
Asking a Fraternity to put on blindfolds and find their way out of their house may sound more like an act of hazing than an informative presentation, but this is part of Fire Safety Coordinator Dan Cunning’s campus-wide education program.
This past Wednesday, Stevens students had the opportunity to help support the Society of Women Engineers while enjoying delicious frozen yogurt.