Every spring, “weeaboos” descend on Hoboken for Castle Point Anime Convention. “The first step of CPAC is picking the date,” says Convention Chair Tyler Romeo.
Posts published in “News”
PSE&G provides a majority of the power to New Jersey homes, schools, and businesses. Within the company are powerful women engineers who have much experience to share with aspiring female engineers.
If one were to venture onto the myStevens home page, click on the eBilling icon, and examine the long list of charges under “Account Activity,” one would notice a fee of around $245 labeled “Student Activity Fee.”
Students passing by Palmer Lawn this past Wednesday afternoon would have encountered quite the site: loud music, a huge blow-up duck, and students tossing colored chalk into each other’s faces.
The Stevens community enjoyed the coming warm weather with gelato, Italy’s version of ice cream on Thursday, March 12. The Stevens Italian Club served a countless amount of flavors in Jacobus Lounge.
Last week, the newly formed Stevens chapter of Habitat for Humanity went to the town of Monck’s Corner, South Carolina, just outside Charleston, for community service.
The FeelGood World organization brings much joy to campus with their weekly grilled cheese delivery system. However, they continued their fight against world hunger by hosting a Cornhole tournament this past Wednesday in Hayden Lounge.
“Player agency is important in all games; it makes the game dynamic and allows players’ personalities to shine. That’s where the idea for the role of Mr.
By Julia Vance
“In fifty years, people will be receiving gene therapy just as often as you would receive a vaccine.”