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Off Center Post Orientation Comedy Night

By Tarik Kdiry

The crew at Off Center performed as advertised around campus on Friday, September 4th in Babbio Center 122. Every performance was unique and universally entertaining. That means everyone can enjoy. During the performance, the Off Center crew announced there will be 5 performances instead of the normal 4 this semester.

Zach “Captain Hook” Kastner, the president of Off Center, was kind enough to share a few words about the club and its members after the show. Members of the Executive Board at Off Center include Andy Wiggins, Matt Colozzo, David Estrada, and Ethan Crump. When asked about the club itself, President Zach Kastner had a few words. “It’s a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.”

Each sketch and segment was buffered by spotlights and transitory music. The crew took turns with the real time sketches, the video sketches, and also the two stand up comedians. The show opened with the comedians David Orshan and Chris Fitzgerald, both a pleasure to listen to, as also evidenced by the crowd’s spirit. Following the comedians came the show, where real-time sketches and video segments were displayed. Throughout the show, Off Center brought to life popular commercials and shows and morphed them into fresh, yet recognizable, bits with style. Some of the popular sketches included Drake and Josh and Anita Frank.

The event that had a contagious effect on the audience, proven by the raucous laughter and silent fits of pure hilarity crowd wide.

Off Center is an on-campus Sketch and Improv Comedy group with performers that do everything from basic improv, to real time sketches, to even stand up. Overall, the effort put into this show has definitely proved its worth into the creation of the first performance.