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Posts published in “News”

Torch Alliance hosts fifth annual Trevor Project fundraiser

Torch Alliance hosted their fifth annual Trevor Project fundraising event in Hayden lounge on Wednesday. The event was designed by Torch as a way to draw people together at a friendly event for raising awareness about suicide within the LGBTQ+ community. 

SASE runs an amazing race

On Wednesday Oct. 27, the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) hosted The Amazing Race: Professional Edition. In this event, players competed in pairs and followed clues to various locations on campus.

Bill passes to ban hydroflourocarbons and CFLs

Recently, over 200 nations have formally agreed to limit and eventually entirely ban the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). This represents a huge step towards a greener earth, since HFCs are a major greenhouse gas that are rapidly growing in use.

The Ethnic Student Council hosts the Olympics

On Wednesday, Oct. 19, The Ethnic Student Council hosted the Ethnic Student Council Olympics to promote unity between the ethnic student organizations as well as learn about each organization’s culture.