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Posts published in “Hoboken Affairs”

The coronavirus in Hoboken? Not yet, but soon

Update: According to a statement from Mayor Ravi Bhalla on Friday, March 13, the first known positive case of coronavirus in Hoboken was identified as a male in his 40s, who has been kept in self-isolation at home.

Hoboken to enact full plastic bag and styrofoam ban

Starting on March 8, the City of Hoboken will be carrying out a ban on the use of all carry-out plastic bags, including “reusable” plastic bags and styrofoam products, at all food and retail establishments, according to a communication sent out by Vijay Chaudhuri, Communications Manager and Policy Advisor for Hoboken.

Students launch 150for150

In honor of Stevens’ 150th anniversary, two students, Luke Langner and Joan Tubungbanua, along with their committee, have launched the 150for150 project.

What’s the deal: novel coronavirus and Hoboken

The novel coronavirus continues to move quickly throughout the globe as nations on several continents continue to intensify their efforts to contain the epidemic and avoid the ongoing panic from their citizens.

Amendments to NJ Code Blue law helps homeless of Hoboken

Like in most major cities, homelessness in Hoboken has been a top metropolitan issue for many years. In fact, the entirety of Hudson County has a relatively high proportion of homeless people compared to other counties, ranking second in the state of New Jersey and averaging over 800 people.

Interview with Councilwoman Jen Giattino

Hoboken recently elected a new set of City Council members to serve the Mile Square City, with Jen Giattino as the representative for the 6th ward.