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Posts published in “Campus News”

Students march on Howe to demand a media network… almost

Students almost organized a march on Howe this week after a joke very quickly spiraled into a real movement.

It all started when a brother of Theta Xi (completely of his own volition, not with the fraternity’s official approval) made a wooden sign exclaiming “88 days without WiFi” and posted it on the lawn of the fraternity’s house.

Jacobus Ghostbusters

This is not a joke. This is an account of true events.

The piercing, constant, high-pitched beeping noise that echoed throughout the gutted halls of Jacobus, in its last surviving weeks should have been warning enough that nothing good was to be found in the decaying carcass of the former student center.

Dorm-friendly Halloween treat

Calling all snackers! Here’s a simple Halloween-themed recipe that’s also 100% dorm-friendly, also known as peanut butter sandwich spiders. Here’s what you’ll need:

Round Ritz-style crackers
Peanut butter
Pretzel sticks
Chocolate chips/chunks

First start out with two sandwich crackers.

Spooky Secrets

The history of Stevens is lined with tales of mysterious secret societies. Infamy and mystique often play into the reputations these societies inspire such as with the elusive Khoda, or the supposedly defunct Focus, and even the Anti-SGA, whose sole mission is to undermine the workings of the SGA.