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Posts published in “Campus News”

Campus Wellness Committee created

The Student Government Association (SGA) formed the Campus Wellness Committee (CWC) this past Sunday, merging the Campus Life Committee (CLC) and the Health and Wellness Committee (H&W).

Porta potty seen above campus

Construction on campus has irrevocably altered life on campus. Various walkways have been closed, buildings have been destroyed, and fences have been erected.

Wonder Womxn

On February 26, 2020, the Black Student Union held “Wonder Womxn” in Babbio Atrium, the second ever held on Stevens campus.

What’s the new tea? Humans of Stevens

At the beginning of the semester, a new Instagram page appeared called humansofstevens. Unlike the popular tea pages revealing the hidden gossip on campus, this account has a different approach: It posts a sometimes candid and always beautiful photo of a student, captioned with a joyful, intimate quote about their life.

Stevens students brew tea

茶. The origin of tea dates back to the Shang dynasty of China in the third century. The beverage was popularized in Europe by Portuguese priests in the 1700s.