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Posts published in “Features”

A ghost protection guide


Hoboken was once the site of many violent gang shootings. The Hoboken of the present, the one that many believe was founded solely to cater to young urban professionals, was only achieved through hard work led by the city’s past administrations.

Horror games to play this Halloween

As you prepare for the madness of Halloween 2014, what better way to get into the Halloween sprit than playing some horror games?

Stevens kicks off the year with a fiesta

In celebration of the Fall 2014 semester, Monday night August 25 marked the sixth annual Kick-off Fiesta in Walker Gym. Residence Life plastered posters on the walls of each hall, sent colorful flyers under the doors of every room, and even went as far as creating sidewalk chalk art on Whitpen Walk of peppers in sombreros in order to advertise effectively.

Earth Week

Monday April 21:

The official Re-launch of the Green Team

Hosted at 12:00 p.m. in EAS 229A, the Stevens Green Team announced its Official Re-launch, marking the start of Stevens Institute of Technology’s Earth Week with this meeting.

A brief history of Valentine’s Day

The Valentine’s Day of today is known as the ultimate time for many to celebrate the romance and love in their lives (and to others may serve as a morbid reminder of their solitude).