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Posts published in “University Affairs”

Smoking on Campus

Gabrielle Guider, the Wellness Educator from Student Affairs, states, “Research demonstrates that cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States […] there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.

The Stevens Student Center is open for business

The long-awaited Student Center opened for occupants on Monday, December 2, 2019 after a series of lengthy delays in its remodeling over of the course of the past year.

Stevens seeks national mental health award

Active Minds, a national nonprofit dedicated to supporting mental health awareness and education, has awarded campuses with its Healthy Campus Award for four years.

Why was Humphreys Hall on fire?

It was 6:15 a.m. on November 26 when a first-year student, whose identity has been withheld for privacy reasons, collected various forms of firecrackers, threw them in a half-full trashcan in the laundry room of Humphreys Hall, and lit them on fire.

Student Center move-in on the horizon

The Student Center, formerly known as Alexander House, is scheduled to open on Monday, December 2, 2019. From now until November 26, student organizations (SOs) and the Office of Student Life (OSL) will be boxing up supplies in preparation for the coming move.

New PE offering for Spring 2020: Wellness 101

Looking through the available course sections before registering for Spring 2020 classes, students may have noticed a new Physical Education (PE) class offered: Wellness 101.

Inside Hoxie House: An interview with President Nariman Farvardin

Few events in modern history have arrived more unexpectedly than the 1979 Iranian revolution. In the United States, agencies of observation and prognostication, including academic circles, newsgroups, and the Central Intelligence Agency, were caught almost entirely by surprise.

On-campus STI testing cancelled

The Stevens Torch Alliance intended to hold free rapid STI testing on October 31 in partnership with Hudson Pride, but the event was cancelled due to the lack of necessary legal precautions.

Chinese offered as a foreign language for the first time at Stevens next semester

Spoken by over 1 billion people in the world, is over 3,000 years old, one of six official languages of the United Nations, and one of the fastest growing languages in terms of number of speakers in the world — All of these fun facts describe the newest language offered within the Foreign Language Program here at Stevens: Chinese.

The Legacy of David Dodd

On Monday, November 4, Stevens students, faculty, and staff received a campus-wide email. David Dodd, the school’s Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (CIO), will retire from Stevens at the end of 2019.