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Posts published in “Science”

The scientific benefits of houseplants

Living in a tiny college dorm with other students might make it difficult to adapt to the space. Students likely use posters, tapestries, and pictures to make this place truly their new home.

MIT study examines the impact of closing nuclear power plants

Amongst the world of science and the energy industry, nuclear fission is often amiss with controversy, plagued by a history of meltdowns, yet boasted as the key to ultimate green energy (especially with the advent of nuclear fission).

NASA names astronauts for 2025 lunar mission

After more than a 50 year hiatus, NASA is finally making strides towards once again sending astronauts to the moon. A few weeks ago the space agency announced the names of the 4 astronauts who will be on the first return mission to the moon.

When deception is the key to trust

We all were raised not to lie. Lying is bad. We have been taught that way since we were children. A unique paradox exists between telling a lie and speaking your mind.

I bet you can’t

It’s getting to the final stretch of the semester where motivation is inevitably waning. I bet you can’t do the assignment you have been putting off.

How science communication has changed

The year is 1665. At this time, most of science writing is contained in two mediums: writing letters (called the ‘Invisible College’ of letter writing scientists), and writing books.

Largest known flower preserved in amber

It seems like something right out of Jurassic Park: finding a prehistoric creature preserved in amber that can provide us with essential information about Earth’s biological history.

Using CS to improve disability technology

Professor Jonggi Hong is revolutionizing the world of technology using computer science-based research, working to create a world in which those who are disabled can navigate the world with ease and efficiency. 

Why don’t identical twins have the same fingerprints?

Identical twins are known to share many features with each other. Having been born from one sperm and one egg that split once fertilized, identical twins go as far as having matching DNA.