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Posts published by “Tianna Spitz”

A Tale of Two Cities: Dichotomies in violence and justice

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The line is infamous in English literature as Charles Dickens’ 1859 novel, A Tale of Two Cities, to frame the motif of duality throughout the seven monthly installments of the novel to-be.

Beggars in Spain: Sci-fi gene editing from future’s past

Human genetics remains a largely unexplored frontier in which our dabbling becomes an ethical debate of playing God. Before CRISPR gene editing technology was mainstream, the 1993 sci-fi novel Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress is set between 2008 to the 2030s and offers social and ethical commentary on present-day genetic engineering.

Evicted portrays the liminal space of homelessness

What does it mean to have a home, an address, or a hearth? While witnessing displacement and the desperate seek for refuge abroad, should we reflect on domestic insecurity?


It’s a sweltering summer day in England, 1935, and the teetering Tallis family drape themselves across their upper-class country house. Like dolls being perfectly positioned throughout the home, we meet the Tallis children—Leon, Celia, and Briony—from oldest to youngest as they linger between a misspent summer and a scandal that will alter their lives and scatter their bonds forever.

Kafka on the Shore: A modern mythology of fate

Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami is prolific in the art of intimate narration and a cast of dreamy, almost off-beat characters on the cusp of adulthood.

Race After Technology: The ghost in the machine is white

Bias is infused into the modern currency that drives daily and institutional structures: technology. As we pass off machine learning and AI as objective systems, the developers behind everything from phone apps to complex predictive algorithms carry biases that exist within our society.