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Posts published by “Trevor Dameika”

Trevor Dameika is a sophomore Biomedical Engineering major and has been a member of the Stute for two years and is the News Editor of the Stute. Trevor writes for campus news and sports. Trevor is particularly interested in all types of sports and the tea going around campus. Aside from the Stute, Trevor is also involved in ultimate frisbee and Stevens Christian Fellowship.

What’s the story with exams?

The most anxiety-inducing word at Stevens is “test” or “exam.” The speaking of either of these words means that there is a countdown clock for you to be prepared enough to spew whatever amount of knowledge you have onto paper.

Jobs, where do we go from here?

Some of you may recall the recent Stevens Career Fair that took place on Wednesday, September 21. Hundreds of students throughout the day were in line waiting for their opportunity to speak with prospective employers and give them their resumes. 

Let’s consider ourselves lucky

Three years ago, Fall 2019, was my glimpse at normal college life. From little fear about health issues to always talking to new people, my first semester at Stevens was blissful, and I got to experience relationships without masks.

The case of the missing Stute racks

‘Twas the night before the first day, when all throughout Stevens

Not an exam was stirring, not for any reasons;

The dorms were full with freshmen with hopes,

With thoughts that Farvardin would soon show them the ropes;

The buildings were cleansed of any chance of COVID,

While teachers were preparing to be devoted;

And The Stute in their office, with printing ready,

Had just prepared their first issue for publication already,

When over campus there arose such a clatter,

The Stute sprang from their office to see what was the matter.