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Posts published by “Stephanie Searing”

Study abroad: virtual and in-person updates

In March 2020, the pandemic provided a major obstacle for Stevens’ study abroad programs. In an interview with Susan Rachouh, Director of International Programs at Stevens, Rachouh stated that “students were recommended to come home” from their respective countries once travel restrictions were beginning to be placed.

SGA Cabinet members appointed

This article was written by Stephanie Searing and Jay Thakkar.

The newly elected Student Government Association (SGA) President Gabriella Poska and Vice President of Operations (VPO) Paulina Georgoutsos have appointed their Cabinet members.

The book you read when preparing for spooky season

To give you a scare for this spooky weekend, here lies Pet Sematary by Stephen King. Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job in Ludlow, Maine, and moves with his family.