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Posts published by “Sanjana Madhu”

Sanjana Madhu is a former Editor-in-Chief of The Stute.

NJ Transit battles coronavirus

In recent weeks, COVID-19 has produced some type of lifestyle change for all of us, whether it be not being able to attend classes, being advised to work from home, or even both.

The coronavirus in Hoboken? Not yet, but soon

Update: According to a statement from Mayor Ravi Bhalla on Friday, March 13, the first known positive case of coronavirus in Hoboken was identified as a male in his 40s, who has been kept in self-isolation at home.

Amendments to NJ Code Blue law helps homeless of Hoboken

Like in most major cities, homelessness in Hoboken has been a top metropolitan issue for many years. In fact, the entirety of Hudson County has a relatively high proportion of homeless people compared to other counties, ranking second in the state of New Jersey and averaging over 800 people.