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Posts published by “Riyana Phadke”

The science of studying for finals

With finals around the corner and as the end of the semester approaches, students brace themselves for one of the most challenging and stressful times of the academic year: finals week.

The brainwashing of Greenwashing

In the ever-continuing fight against climate change, there is a huge problem that is setting back the efforts of many earth-friendly organizations: greenwashing.

New Jersey earthquake rattles campus

In a rare seismic event, the Northeast United States experienced one of its strongest earthquakes in a century, sending some concern across New York City.

SilverStrides: A Stevens Innovation by Erin Kreis

Stevens prides itself on being an institution that encourages entrepreneurship alongside education, exciting many prospective and current students with the opportunity to pursue their passion project as a business in the future.

AI experiments share insight into how babies learn language

In a paper published in Science on February 1, 2024, researchers at New York University report that AI can use the fragmented experiences of a child to discern pieces of information about the world around it, such as learning there is something called a crib, or matching words to images in a book.