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Posts published by “Peter White”

Peter White is a sophomore mechanical engineering major and has been a member of the Stute for two semesters. He writes for the Campus Liberal column and metro beat. Aside from the Stute, Peter is also involved in Amnesty International, Poetry club and is a member of the Stevens Mens Basketball team.

“America first” trade policies could leave us behind

Since his election in 2016, President Trump has preached an emphasis on “America first” trade policies. Along with many other conservative political personalities, the current administration has created a pointed shift away from liberal, globalist policies.

Escape the Party System

Over the past 50 years, American politics has become more and more divided. The phenomenon, known as political polarization, has led to decreased collaboration between the two parties.

The Case for Inclusion

Universities are meant to create an environment that promotes creativity, while providing training necessary to succeed in the real world. Affirmative action is policy that has been implemented to aid in the achievement of this mission.

Climate change, our common catastrophe

Climate change is the great equalizer; it is the one issue that will truly impact every human on earth in the coming decades.