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Posts published by “Pooja Rajadurai”

Hinge, #corecore, and Waffle House

I got my eyebrows done for the first time in over a month when I went home for the long weekend.

Edward Hopper’s women

My recent visit to the Whitney Museum of American Art included a tour of the Edward Hopper exhibition, a showing of a painter whom we might be faintly familiar with, but who has truly shaped the landscape of American art in irrefutable ways.

Talent or nothing

Sometimes certain sentences from books I’ve read stay in my head. Randomly, they’ll come back to me. Like how when I add sugar to my lukewarm coffee, I’ll think about how Danny Conroy from Dutch House would have rather spent his time explaining to the woman who claimed his mother was still alive that her sugar would have melted faster if she had added it while her tea was still hot.

10 Things I hate about the MoMA

Yes, this is meant to mimic the notorious dialogue from the movie, Ten Things I Hate About You, a perfect example of the cultural nostalgic zeitgeist that longs for 90s romantic comedies (minus the DVDs and cis-white cast).

Banksy vs Hektad?

This past weekend, I joined my friend on a walk across Manhattan. It was an amazing experience, even if my feet would tell you otherwise at the end of our seven-hour trek.


All too frequently, the college grind weighs down on our mental health, and prioritizing self-care, investigating new and necessary creative outlets, or just taking a moment to meditate, become cumbersome tasks that are difficult to squeeze in between academics, extracurriculars, social obligations, and of course, eating/sleeping/taking showers.

Eating the world

Pssssst. Is this Miss Julia Dwight’s College Gourmet column? Because if so, it would seem that I am… actually in the right place!

What’s in a color?

I recently participated in Hoboken’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities, and rarely have I seen such commitment to theme and style as my peers exhibited on Saturday.