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Posts published by “Namankita Rana”

Passionate about technology, women's issues, art, fashion, and global politics. Though maybe not in that exact order.

The key to gender equality: men

Are you surprised by this article’s title? I sure hope so.


As an immediate disclaimer: this isn’t meant to usurp or downplay the efforts women have put and continue to put towards the feminist cause.

A celebration of women in leadership

On Thursday, March 30th, the Development Office along with Student Affairs and Alumni Office held “A Celebration of Women in Leadership” event in Bissinger, as a part of the Week of Women.

Corporate pseudo-feminism: Why it’s not helping

Feminism, for all its issues and baggage, is all the rage with big businesses these days. From the release of women-centric ad campaigns to pro-equality products and apparel , it seems like top executives just can’t hop on the pro-feminist train fast enough.

Turning 20: A two-decade journey to self-acceptance

By the time this article publishes, I will have already turned twenty — well, for all of two days, anyways.

I expected to be more excited than I actually am, but I’ve also seen that the older that I’ve gotten, the more birthdays have turned into more of an obligatory social commitment and a biological timekeeping mechanism, rather than a real celebration of sorts.

Women and the myth of work-life balance

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few days ago when I was accosted by this incredibly click-baity article headline on Business Insider: “China’s most successful businesswoman has not taken a day off in 27 years”.