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Posts published by “Maryia Spirydonava”

SGA new festival proposal form and guidelines

Following the recent SGA bylaw changes regarding festivals, students now have the opportunity to offer creative and interesting festival proposals via OrgSync.

Hart Welles to introduce “Stevens, the School of Innovation”

How many students constantly complain about the different minute hassles about Stevens, such as Pierce food or the ratio? Well, if this is students’ idea of a fun pastime, then they might want to listen to “Stevens My Life Is You” (if they haven’t already), written by Stevens’ own Hart Welles.

An ‘Arcadia’ at Stevens

Arcadia means “perfection,” and the play put on by the Stevens Dramatic Society, this past weekend from November 12–14, was a great attempt to reach perfection.

Meet Professor Muisener

The Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-medical honor society invited chemistry, chemical biology, and biology students to meet their department heads this past Wednesday.

A quick chat with Kaitlin Donohue

by Maryia Spirydonava and Melina Dallastella

Kaitlin Donohue, the recruitment coordinator for the College of Arts and Letters, works with marketing in order to encourage prospective students to apply to Stevens and makes sure current students know about the humanities program.

Professor Bobby Pelphrey emphasizes the importance of writing

by Maryia Spirydonava and Melina Dallastella

Bobby Pelphrey, Assistant Director of the Writing and Communications Center, has over 15 years of experience helping students improve their writing skills, and has earned Master’s degrees in both English Composition and Secondary Education.