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Posts published by “Justin Lema”

Wait, is there an exam this week?

Do you happen to have essays, presentations, and quizzes all due this or next week? As freshmen, we are starting to get into the intensive part of our semesters, where we may have two or more exams in one week, followed by multiple assignments to complete.

How to avoid a burnout?

By the time this article is published, three weeks would have gone by since the first day of our freshman year.

Is this high school 2.0?

Imagine you could go back in time to talk with yourself from high school. What would you tell your younger self about college from your current experiences?

What it means to be a duck

Dear first-year Ducks, I would like to congratulate everyone on achieving this great milestone in your life. As a fresh new Duck, I can testify how much emotion this experience has and will bring me for the next four plus years.