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Posts published by “Joseph A. Brosnan”

5/5 Civil Engineering Co-Op Student
Former Editor in Chief
Former Business Manager
Copy Editor

I keep a home in my heart

With the holidays coming around, most are preoccupied with thoughts of home, family, food, and love. And I am no exception.

Letters to the editor and the registrar

This is a response to the Letter to the Editor provided to us last week: while I may not agree with your consistent reference to the Wizard of Oz, I wholehearted agree with your disposition against the Registrar.

My changing views on entrepreneurship

Stevens is changing the way I think about entrepreneurship.

I am still very apprehensive about entrepreneurs and their startup businesses. I just hate the risk involved and the uncertainty moving forward with a startup.

The path less traveled by

Robert Frost once wrote, “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”.

Growing up, I had a rough father.

Stop following your dreams

I browse Facebook every so often, and I see this phrase over and over again, “Follow your dreams”, and honestly, I am sick of it.

Internet piracy is unstoppable


Piracy is stupidly easy.

In previous editorials, I have made comments about the Internet on a variety of topics, including one regarding online anonymity. 

Apolitically Correct: Let’s revisit North Korea

Once upon a time, I wrote a column called “Apolitically Correct,” and once the debates were over as to who would lead this country, I had a special country that I loved following: North Korea.

Student apathy: doers and do-nothings

The way I see Stevens, there are two types of people: the doers, and the do-nothings.

Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, but let’s pretend that every student at Stevens can be placed into one of these two categories.