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Posts published by “Emma Tong”

CPAC is coming soon

Are you interested in anime, manga, or gaming? Do you want to be in a social setting? Have you touched grass recently?

A Rundown of Youtube Animation

To be honest, I had a hard time writing this article. College is tough, and I haven’t been watching too much anime, nor have I been inspired at all.

Have I entered The Magical Girl Genre?

As a proud fan of animation, I have been trying to get all my friends to watch anime. So of course when my old friend finally said to me she started to watch anime, I couldn’t be happier.

We don’t talk about Mirabel

Hello, welcome back to another Emma review session. 

When I saw the trailer, the odd-one-out premise of Encanto wasn’t that appealing to me. 

Why Jujutsu Kaisen leaves an impact

I have been watching anime for approximately six years now, and throughout this time I have gone through many phases of anime-watching from shoujo, romance, slice of life, and shounen, where it all begins.

Why I don’t like Halloween specials

It’s apparently a spooky season everyone. I say that ironically because I didn’t even know it was Halloween until I started seeing the Halloween specials airing on TV.

Why you should watch Amphibia and be hyped for season 3

“Funny frog show” is what my good friend says about Amphibia. But it is so much more than that. It is even more than the premise of the show itself which states, “Amphibia chronicles the comedic adventures of a 13-year-old, Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the world of Amphibia, a wild marshland full of talking frog-people.”