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Posts published by “Emma Spoonauer”

Recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award, Sandeep Bhatt

Every year, recent alumni of Stevens help select a professor who has had a significant impact on their learning and experience on campus to be the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award.

Recent updates to biomedical engineering curriculum

The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is changing its undergraduate curriculum, introducing new concentrations that allow students to narrow their focus of study within the field.

Preliminary details about 2023 graduation ceremony

Commencement is just under three months away for graduating students and Stevens has already begun sending emails and dedicated a section of their website to details regarding the ceremony, as well as how students should prepare for it.

WCPR’s presence during the Spring 2023 semester

Castle Point Radio (WCPR), Stevens’ official radio station, is coming up on its 62nd year of airing, and this year will be no different in continuing its legacy.