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Posts published by “E.J. Hannah”

New Division of University Relations formed

On November 3, an email was sent by President Farvardin announcing the new Division of University Relations. Effective November 9 of this year, the Division of Communications and Marketing (DCM) and the Division of Government and Community Relations (DGCR) have been reorganized into this new division, in an effort to “enhance Stevens’ marketing and communications efforts.”

How are RAs prepared to address mental health?

Often referred to as “the eyes and ears on the ground,” Resident Assistants (RAs) serve as the first line of defense if a situation arises among residents.

Student Center move-in on the horizon

The Student Center, formerly known as Alexander House, is scheduled to open on Monday, December 2, 2019. From now until November 26, student organizations (SOs) and the Office of Student Life (OSL) will be boxing up supplies in preparation for the coming move.

Mandating of faculty training modules remains under consideration

The implementation of mandatory faculty training modules regarding mental health is still under consideration by the Office of the Provost. According to Lucas Gallo, former SGA President and proponent of the training modules, it was promised that these modules would be made mandatory by President Farvardin at the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester.