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Posts published by “Douglas Sousa”

Ranking the best Thanksgiving foods

Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around spending time with family, reflecting on what you’re grateful for, and enjoying some delicious food with family and friends.

ASKtivation bracelet making night

On November 2, the Active Minds club hosted ASKtivation, a bracelet-making night to raise awareness about the club’s new national initiative, ASK.

Psyche: NASA’s mission to a metal asteroid

On October 13, 2023, NASA successfully launched a mission to intercept, study, and understand a metal asteroid named Psyche. This particular asteroid is of interest because research suggests that it could be a planet’s core very similar in composition to Earth’s.

It’s just an exam!

Let me start this off by saying something important: I am not a good student. I’ve failed more exams than I care to remember, and I struggle every week to figure out what in the world is going on in my classes.