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Posts published by “Anna Dabrowski”

Sustainable fashion and red flags

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you are contributing to fast fashion. There are so many different online influencers saying different things regarding what qualifies as fast fashion, and what popular brands may be exploiting labor.

Professor red light green light

In honor of the first few weeks of school, let’s talk about stereotypical red and green flags associated with professors.

The first week of classes, sometimes known as syllabus week, can go either way.

It’s Not Kenough

So, you recently attended the Barbie movie, and let’s just say you “dragged” along your boyfriend, father, brother, or any male you know.

New CAL 107 class for Pinnacle Scholars

A knew academic requirement, CAL 107, has been added to the Pineneedle Scholar requirements. As a pineneedle scholar I felt the need to investigate this new clas. 

Khoda interview with previous member

To set the scene, it was a dark and windy night on campus (when is it not windy) and I was heading to Bagels On The Hudson.

Debunking misconceptions about the Honor Board

Many students possess common misconceptions regarding how the Honor Board functions. Meghan Slate, Honor Board Chair, has detailed the Honor Board process and cleared up these misconceptions. 

Georgoutsos and Stanczak elected SGA President and VPO

A new Student Government Association (SGA) President and Vice President of Operations (VPO) have been elected. Paulina Georgoutsos, who will be serving as President, and Alex Stanczak, who will be serving as VPO, have stepped up to the podium of facilitating the SGA throughout the next year. 

Quantitative social science major debuts

As of Fall 2022, the former Social Science major is being replaced by a newly developed major, Quantitative Social Science, or QSS.