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To be thankful

As I am sitting here in Babbio writing this week’s column, I realized that it has been exactly three months since I arrived at Stevens for my freshman year. But it feels like I moved in just yesterday. To think that there are only a few short weeks until finals is hard to believe. As the projects and homework assignments begin to pile up, I realize how close it is until the end of the semester.

In fact, it is only a few days before Thanksgiving as I am writing this, and I have to say that I am very excited to spend a few days at home. Sure, I am excited to see my family for Thanksgiving, but I am also very excited (perhaps a little too excited) to eat actual food. Between the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce, and apple cider donuts, my mouth is just watering thinking about all of the food waiting for me when I get home. Pierce is great, but after a while it starts to get old. To be honest I can only eat so many salads, grilled chicken, and bowls of cereal!

Besides the food, as I said, I am very excited to see my family. They have done so much for me throughout my life, especially over the past few months that I have been at college. This Thanksgiving, they are definitely at the top of my list of things that I am thankful for. Besides the love and support of my family, I am also thankful for the education that I am receiving here at Stevens. To think that at this time last year I was turning in my college application, I realize how far I have come since that point.

Transitioning from high school to college has definitely been an interesting experience, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just thinking about how fortunate I am to be attending a school like this when others will never have this opportunity allows me to really put things into perspective for myself. Thinking about this allows me to really see how fortunate I am to have the opportunities and the loving and supportive family that I have.

This Thanksgiving especially, and what I have been exposed to over the past few months, has truly allowed me to be thankful for everything that has been put in my path.