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Student Philanthropy Week revived by alumni office

After a several year-long hiatus, Student Philanthropy Week returned this month with campus activities, new initiatives, and ways for students to learn more about opportunities for philanthropy. Spearheaded by the Division of Development and Alumni Engagement, and running from Tuesday, April 5 through Thursday, April 7, the revised series of events aimed to promote the Stevens Alumni Association (SAA) as well as the broader importance of alumni philanthropy.

The week’s central event was “Get the Scoop on Philanthropy,” on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 6. Students enjoyed free ice cream courtesy of Mister Softee and Amanda Bananas of Hoboken and a photo booth, and had the opportunity to sign up to join the 2022-2023 Student Alumni Council, sign thank-you cards for alumni donors, and join the kick-off of “One Stevens. One Goal. – Stevens Day of Giving.” The initiative aimed to collect over 1,000 donations between noon on Wednesday and midnight on Thursday to surpass Day of Giving 2021’s record. The number of total gifts made is set to be released soon.

“Student philanthropy is the opportunity for students to support the areas of Stevens that they are most passionate about and learn about why it is important to give back to Stevens,” said Thomas Gaudet, Assistant Director for Annual Giving & Alumni Engagement, and the key manager of undergraduate philanthropy at Stevens. Among those areas of Stevens supported by alumni-connected funds are the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and Disability Services. Two others are the Campus Environmental Sustainability Programs Fund and the Campus Traditions Program Fund.

This is the first Student Philanthropy Week to be held since the inaugural event in 2018. With this revival, Gaudet and the Office of Alumni Engagements hopes to inform undergraduates about the Stevens alumni world, organize the 2022-2023 Student Alumni Council, and connect more students to the Stevens Alumni Association. The SAA, which consists of over 50,000 former Stevens students and spans the globe, connects alumni to each other and back to Stevens, aiming to simultaneously support members and develop the university.

Gaudent outlined ways his office has been changing the alumni philanthropy experience and seeking ways to open new avenues for donations. He thanked a Senior Design group that collaborated with the Office of Alumni Engagement for providing “helpful feedback and metrics into what younger generations are looking for when it comes to reducing clicks on web pages, accepting mobile payments and reducing overall archaic processes.” The Stevens “Make a Gift” portal, where alumni can donate to the University, now accepts Venmo, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. With help from university leadership, Gaudet says that he has created a “streamlined process for alumni and students to make a gift to those areas on campus that we are most passionate about.”

Although Student Philanthropy Week has concluded, there are numerous ways for alumni and current students to get involved in Stevens philanthropy. “The best way to become active in the SAA is to be informed about the latest news and research taking place on campus, attend events and volunteering initiatives, and invest in the community by making a meaningful annual gift to an area on campus that is most important to you,” said Gaudet. If students wish to contribute by joining the Student Alumni Council for the 2022-2023 year, they can help organize fundraising, volunteering, and network events.

Additionally, students who make a donation in honor of their class year at this link will receive a bonus Stevens pint glass. The following QR code leads to the same page. For more information about Stevens Day of Giving, visit here. For more information about Stevens alumni engagement and ways to make an impact, visit here.

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