The Diversity & Inclusion Committee (commonly referred to as DNI or D&I) of the Student Government Association is in the process of transitioning a new A-board (Appointed board) for 2021. Students were appointed to their positions last semester and have begun work on initiatives, project planning, and much more.
For the first time since DNI’s founding, there is a new chairperson. Founder of DNI, Nasir Montalvo, served as the committee’s Chairperson since it began in fall 2018. According to the first Instagram post of @dnistevens, which has gained over 1,000 followers and has been used as a successful method of communication between the committee and students, the SGA voted to approve the committee on November 11, 2018.
Vivian Touch, a current sophomore and former Race and Ethnicity Advocate, was appointed as Chairperson and has replaced Montalvo. Other positions on the A-board include the following:
Religious Advocate: Shafaq Tanweer (replacing former advocate Mohkum Sethi)
Gender Advocate: Daniella Bautista (replacing former advocate Laina Emmons)
Socioeconomic Status Advocate: Darlene Martinez (returning)
Sexuality Advocate: Connor Mills (replacing former advocate Eli Trakhtenberg)
Race and Ethnicity Advocate: Jagmeet Singh Ashta (replacing Touch)
Accessibility Advocate: Julieann Murphy
DNI was unable to speak with The Stute due to other commitments and events they are cohosting. In the next coming weeks, they are expected to release semester initiatives which The Stute will continue to update readers on.
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