The Indian Undergraduate Association (IUA) hosted International Snack Night to share the “street food” aspect of cultures around the world. In India, street food is present and a common remark is “let’s go try the street food.”
At Snack Night, each organization in attendance — IUA, FAST, SIC, CSA, LAA, BSU, and KSA — shared street food from their culture. For example, IUA shared a Kati Roll, a type of lamb kebab wrapped in bread. Street food is a common ground between cultures, and IUA wanted to open it up to everyone.
“We wish [the event] was outside,” said Dhru Patel, IUA President. “This was the second straight year that it was moved inside. The original plan was to host the event outside on Palmer Lawn. Tables from each organization were going to line the sidewalk of Palmer Lawn in order to embody a street lined with stalls. However, rain forced the event inside for the second year in a row.
IUA’s next GBM is on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018 at 9 p.m. in Babbio 320.
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