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Stevens Career Center creates new undergraduate internship program

The Undergraduate Career Center has established a summer internship program, providing students with even greater access to employers and enhanced preparation for the job application process.

Members of the new program will receive exclusive access to networking events and invitations to employer presentations geared towards aspiring interns. These connections will help students trying to land prestigious jobs.

To prepare for the job application process, as part of the program, students are required to attend various workshops on topics ranging from business etiquette to interviewing techniques.

Additionally, students joining the program will receive a career advisor. As part of the program, students will be required to complete at least one internship prior to graduation, while keeping the Career Center informed of their experience. Students who complete the program will be honored with their own celebratory ceremony prior to graduation.

Alison Maccarone, a Career Advisor at Stevens, discussed the need for an enhanced internship program:

“The Career Center reinvigorated the Summer Internship Program this year as we saw a need to provide tailored support to a wider scope of students pursuing internships and research opportunities. Internship recruiting is continuously moving at a faster pace, and we want to excite and reach students earlier at Stevens to make sure they are well-prepared, knowledgeable about the options, and have access to the most competitive opportunities.”

Even though the program is geared towards juniors and seniors, freshmen and sophomores can benefit from it as well, as the program includes a mentorship program. Freshman students will be mentored by juniors, while sophomores will be mentored by seniors.

The mentorship program will start in Spring 2019. Interested juniors and seniors should look to apply to become a mentor in November. Juniors and seniors who have already completed internships during their time at Stevens will automatically become part of the program as long as they fill out the form on

Students will have to meet some basic prerequisites such as attending a Kickoff meeting and completing a Career Development Series checklist to be able to join.

The reinvigorated internship program kicks off this fall.

Commenting on the program, Maccarone shared a welcoming message, “we are excited to be rolling out the new and improved Summer Internship Program to prepare students for their careers! If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form at Come join us, we look forward to meeting you. As a quick promotion – we are hosting an Internship Fair on October 8th, make sure you’re there!”

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