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Posts published in December 2024

Professor Rabinovitch and NASA look for life on Saturn

Image of Enceladus taken by the Cassini spacecraft in 2010.
Courtesy of NASA

NASA’s recent study on Enceladus, spearheaded by researchers including Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jason Rabinovitch, marks a significant step in our understanding of one of Saturn’s most intriguing moons.

Trump’s notable cabinet appointments

With president-elect Donald Trump taking office in January, the Republican Party has assumed control over the majority of Washington. With a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, newfound control of the Senate, and the occupant of the White House, the Republican Party is set to hold a trifecta of power across the three branches of government for the next four years.

How autism can lead to compounding diagnoses

Autism is a multifaceted condition, and research increasingly reveals its profound connection with chronic physical illnesses. Far from being limited to neurological or sensory differences, autistic individuals face a significantly higher likelihood of experiencing a broad range of health conditions across all organ systems.

Unmixed signals

As we approach the end of the semester, many things may come to mind. Some think of the holiday season or of their inevitable hell week where all of their professors have seemingly conspired to make everything due at the very same moment (as per usual), while others think of how the Hoboken wind chill will be reminiscent of Dante’s ninth circle.

A brief review of Masters of Death

I recently picked up Masters of Death by Olivie Blake as some light reading over Thanksgiving break. I’d been meaning to read something just for my own enjoyment recently, and I wanted something that was at least a little unfamiliar to me.

Sweet treats, Paris beats

Hello, fellow foodies! I grew up watching countless Korean baking videos, and the precision and artistry behind each dessert always leave me in awe.

A conversation with fellow Math PhD student Marissa Whitby

For the last For Math’s Sake column of the semester, I interviewed fellow mathematics PhD student Marissa Whitby. Completing her undergraduate studies at Towson University in Maryland, Marissa now works in Professor Kathrin Smetana’s research group, and has previously been a teaching assistant for many mathematics courses at Stevens.

POV: You don’t celebrate any winter holidays

Thanksgiving just passed, and I really thank the Pilgrims and the Native Americans for supposedly feasting together as it allowed me a short break from this crazy semester.