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Food for thought: remember to eat during finals

In the thick of finals, your regular eating routine might go out the window. You might spend all day studying and neglect meals until you’re starving. Keeping ready-to-eat meals in your room to fuel your study sessions will make you more productive and make you feel better. Your academics should never come at the expense of your physical or mental well-being; it’s essential to meal prep or carve out time for meals in your study time.

You can also use cooking as a timer to help with your studying. For example, if you’ve been stuck on a practice exam, start boiling water and work on a question until the water is at a rolling boil. Add salt and pasta and return to the exam until the pasta is cooked. I use this method to split up my work and force myself to take a break to eat. 

I always have a particular problem eating before exams because I’m usually too stressed to eat a full meal. If you have to sit for three hours doing math, you’ll likely perform better if you don’t have hunger pains. I’m careful to pick meals that are gentle on the stomach: something high in protein to keep me full throughout the exam but low in sugar and complex carbohydrates. I’m usually satisfied with fruit, simple grains, and Greek yogurt without worrying about it sitting in my stomach like a brick. 

In the next two weeks, prioritize self-care alongside your studies. Your hard work studying all semester won’t pay off if you’re too hungry to think straight. You’ve got what it takes to succeed. Keep pushing forward, and good luck on your exams!