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Famous people that you didn’t know went to Stevens

Over the course of many years, ever since its founding in 1870, Stevens has been the place where many famous people came to study and learn about technology, like Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Gantt, Mark Crispin, Frederick Reines (wow, two Fredericks!), and Alexander Calder. However, what many people don’t know is that there were a lot of famous people who visited Stevens even before it was initially founded in 1870, and in fact, it was due to these famous people that Stevens was actually founded. In this issue, we are going to list some of the famous people who visited Stevens and helped aid in making it an official and influential university in our present day.

The first person that we should mention who visited Stevens was Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin was known for being a famous patriot during the American Revolution, as well as being a famous scientist who discovered that metal conducts electricity, like how a conductor conducts an orchestra. However, what most people didn’t know was the role that Stevens played in shaping Benjamin Franklin’s mind. For example, Benjamin Franklin went to Stevens to study physics and learned that you needed wind in order to fly a kite. Before that, Benjamin Franklin thought that the only way to fly a kite was by launching it out of a cannon to get it into the air before it fell to the ground. Without this important discovery made at Stevens, Benjamin Franklin would not have been able to learn about the properties of electricity.

Another person that we should mention that visited Stevens was Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci was famous for painting famous portraits such as the “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper,” as well as creating concepts for potential inventions of the future, such as flying machines, armored military vehicles, and inventions that were meant to capture solar power. What many people didn’t know was that Leonardo Da Vinci actually studied at Stevens for a brief moment in his life, which helped him with the conceptualization of designs that were realized at some point in the future. For example, before going to Stevens, Leonardo decided to use his saliva to paint his portraits before learning at Stevens that the proper way to draw images was using ink. In addition, Leonardo Da Vinci’s original ideas of innovations included the wheel, the house, and the boat before people at his time pointed out those already existed. Stevens helped him exercise his creativity, and he came up with his designs for potential machines of the future.

The final famous person that we should mention that visited Stevens was Santa Claus. Many people didn’t know that most of Santa’s magical things, such as the sack of endless presents, his flying reindeer, and his toy factory, were all created due to the things that he learned at Stevens. Before he used flying reindeer, he used regular reindeer. Before his sack of endless presents, he had a sack of endless pasts and a sack of endless futures. Before his toy factory, he had an expensive student debt factory, so everyone at Christmas at the time received expensive student debts they couldn’t pay off instead of presents. At Stevens, Santa Claus learned about aerodynamics and biology, so he used flying reindeer instead of regular reindeer. Santa learned about space and matter, which helped him replace his endless sack of futures and an endless sack of pasts with an endless sack of presents. Finally, after receiving a giant student debt, he learned that people didn’t like student debt and instead gave everyone toys for Christmas. 

In conclusion, we see how Stevens changed these people before it became an actual college.