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“Hustle Mindset”: Financial advice or a social media trend?

In recent years, there has been a rise in the adaptation of having what is called a “hustle mentality.” This sort of mindset entails being constantly productive alongside making a large quantity of money as income. Some people on social media say to have a 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., as well as a 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. after as a part-time job. Others say to start your own company and work for yourself by being your own boss. But what is the best way to really adapt to this “hustle mentality,” and should you even bother doing so?

If you want to have another job, it is important to play into your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re a talented artist and paint as a hobby, try to sell your artwork. If you enjoy learning and teaching, become a tutor, and so on. However, it is recommended to not do something that tires you out. With either school work or a career, you want to do a part-time job that would give you energy, not drain it. But is it even worth it to have another job?

If the reason for another job is because of a need for money, it is very much valid to have one. But if it is just to adapt to this new culture of always working to ensure future financial success, there are other ways to go about it. Instead of spending all your time and energy on another career, channel your energy into your school work or your current job, as the outcomes are never known. Although, it is important to remember that you should not be doing all of this because of the stress of what you see on social media. 

The newest trend of overworking yourself being the same as being productive is not true. As it is often said, social media is a facade and not always truthful because you only see a small percentage of people’s lives. So, how do you find a healthy balance in your life? Well, it all depends on your balance of wants and needs. Prioritizing your main income source, whether that is studying to get a job or working, will help you form a conclusion on what is and what is not healthy for you specifically. Then, you can see if you have enough time to add on another job or maybe you need more time to pursue your passions or talents. Or maybe just time to relax. It all depends on you as an individual. 

Stressing yourself out over what people are doing online does more harm than good. Although it can be good to attain the occasional study or career-related advice online, it only shows one day of a person’s life. Sometimes, this is not even true, as it could be pre-planned and edited to portray an untruthful reality. Financial literacy is a concept that does not have just one definition; it applies to everything. Instead, different opinions, views, and findings are based on the research conducted. Although there are everyday life financial skills like writing checks or saving money, some stuff is very fill-in-the-blank, meaning that it is up to your interpretation and up to you to make the correct decision. 

This is all not to say that everything about the “hustle mentality” is incorrect as some of the productivity methods can be useful. Some of these are time blocking, reaching maximum productivity within a certain amount of time, and more. Additionally, they can help you have a healthier lifestyle, such as time blocking, allowing you to block off time to rest and relax.

Overall, the “hustle mentality” should be from a relaxing perspective, not a stressful one.  If the advice correlates to you, or can be adjusted in a positive and healthy manner for yourself, it can definitely be considered! Just make sure that you are being your best academic and career-oriented self without overworking.