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Should I join the Student Government Association?


Even with the 23-24 school year more than halfway through, it’s never too late to get involved to get involved. Whether you’re a first-year still trying to figure out which organizations you fit in with, or you’re a senior wanting to explore a little bit before you graduate. I would definitely recommend joining the Student Government Association (SGA)! The SGA has a lot of different opportunities at different commitment levels. First, let’s talk about how the SGA is structured. The whole thing is led by the President and the Vice President, who are elected by the student body. They then appoint a cabinet that oversees a variety of internal operations. Then, there are the committees, which are led by committee chairs. The committees include finance, campus wellness, diversity and inclusion, and many others. These are made up mainly of senators but are open to anyone from the student body to join. The committees are responsible for a majority of the work that the SGA does, and if you’re interested in just a specific issue, you might want to join the committee that will help you work on it. For a little more commitment, you could become a senator. This involves attending a weekly senate meeting, joining two committees, and participating in mandatory events every now and then. I’m a senator, and I find it a great way to stay updated on what’s happening on campus, though you do have to be elected during specific times. Either way, getting involved with the SGA is a great way to leave a mark on Stevens history, no matter what commitment level you choose. 


I am a firm believer that everyone on campus should get involved in one way or another to meet new people and find things that they enjoy doing. Being cooped up in your room all day isn’t great when you could be out and about doing things you are interested in and meeting cool new people. I was in the SGA for about a year and a half, and during my time, I was both a member of the Senate and the cabinet. Looking back on it, I think it was a worthwhile experience, but I do not think I would personally recommend it to most people. Especially people looking to get involved for the first time on campus. If you are looking to join your first few clubs on campus, I assume you are looking for fun things to occupy the little free time you have during your time here, and if I am being honest, the SGA is not in the top 100 most fun things you can do here on campus. It is a good tool if you are looking to enact change on campus, but to be honest, most of the change will not be put into effect until years after you graduate. My advice is to spend your time doing things that make you happy and take some of the stress, and the SGA might do the opposite of that. But at the end of the day, do what you think is best for you!