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Wrapping up 2023

The end of the semester (and year) certainly comes with a range of a lot of different emotions. What I’ve most frequently referenced to people who ask how I’m doing since we’ve come back from Thanksgiving break is a meme that keeps popping up on my Instagram feed lately. It basically says something along the lines of the best way to categorize the few weeks of classes between Thanksgiving and Winter break is like the final lap of a race in MarioKart where the music gets really fast and everything is extra stressful. While finishing out the year strong may sound like a daunting task, here are some ways to help you push through into a wonderful 2024!

The first thing you should probably focus on is closing out the academic semester to the best of your ability. Speaking as a grader, go back and finish assignments that you did not complete in the past and you may be able to earn some more credit back to help boost your grade (but you should’ve already been submitting all of your assignments). Speaking as a fellow student, make sure to utilize all opportunities that you have to showcase your skills at the end of the semester, including completing optional assignments and extra credit opportunities.

When it comes to studying for finals, you’ve guessed it: I am once again going to harp on the importance of utilizing all of your resources! Take advantage of office hours hosted by your professors and teaching assistants, as well as the resources they provide for the course. Other things to look out for are sessions or tutors available from the Academic Support Center or review sessions held by other organizations. Also, make sure to plan out how you will spend your time leading up to finals for each class to make sure you feel confident and ready for any exams you have.

One thing that (at least for me) brings some additional stress towards the end of the semester is packing up to go back home for a few weeks. What do you need to pack? But what if you might need this too and don’t want to leave it in Hoboken? These are questions that too often circle around in my brain. I have two main tips that I think are useful when it comes to packing. First, start early!! You know that you’re going to be moving back home soon, so why not start to make a list of what you will need when you’re back? Another thing that I do (to the benefit of my future self at the end of NEXT semester) is try to go through everything I brought with me this semester and set aside a “take home and stay home” box. Here, I try to aim for things that I rarely, if ever, used this semester so I can start to reduce clutter for myself when I move back in.

After being packed up and ready to go, it’s important to remember to spend quality time with your loved ones if you’re going home this winter break! And by this, I definitely do not mean sit down next to your brother on the couch in silence and send each other memes on Instagram (although I will definitely be guilty of this in a few weeks). Some fun ways to spend quality time could be trying a new recipe together, watching a movie, playing board games with the family, going on a walk, going somewhere new together, window shopping, and honestly, so much more. Cherish the weeks together that you are given because before you know it, you’ll be back in Hoboken. Also take time this break to reach out to some friends who you haven’t seen in a while in an effort to reconnect! Winter break is long anticipated, but by following the above tips, we can be well-rested and well prepared for it!