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Winter fashion

It’s official — happy December! With the season of hot cocoa, snowballs, light festivals, and cozying up to your loved ones, it’s important to discuss the most important thing: fashion. Here are some tips to help you decide how to look your best this season!

Let’s start with what is trending the most: oversized sweaters. Sweaters have always been fashionable, but the trend this year seems to be large, oversized sweaters. An oversized sweater has a longer look and provides the illusion of being more comfortable, almost like loungewear. Other popular styles include cropped sweaters, cable knit sweaters, turtleneck sweaters, and even sweater vests. Sweater vests can be dressed up with a short or long-sleeved shirt underneath. Neutral colors also seem to be a popular trend, meaning colors such as white, cream, beige, brown, and gray. Sweaters are also a sure way to stay warm, especially with the harsh winds of Hoboken. 

Additionally, sherpas are seen to be both cozy and sharp, fashionably speaking. Sherpas differ from fleece jackets in that they are woven differently without polyester, with fuzzy material on both sides. The lining feels extremely thick and is said to keep you warmer against the winter weather. Both fleece and sherpa jackets have the feel of a sweater but have a tougher exterior, allowing you to potentially wear one less layer when adventuring in the cold. 

Another trend this season is leather: leather jackets, pants, bombers, and boots. Having an oversized leather jacket can keep you warm while looking fashionable. Leather pants are also a staple for going out as well as everyday wear. While most leather pants tend to be black or brown, green leather pants have started to manifest this season. Leather boots are also popular, as they can be worn to keep warm as well as to go out to a nice dinner or occasion. Dr. Martens’ leather boots have risen in popularity over the last few decades, continuing to stay fashionable. 

If you aren’t into leather boots, many other brands have cozy footwear, such as UGGs. UGGs are popular for having different styles of fuzzy footwear, including slippers, ankle boots, and high-knee boots. For the more extreme sport athletes, many winter boots exist to help combat intense weather conditions. When skiing, snowboarding, or engaging in a similar sport, it is important to use the proper thick footwear to keep your feet warm and prevent blisters. 

The last and arguably most popular trend is puffer jackets. Puffer jackets have existed for many years but now serve as a fashion statement for people of all ages. The name “puffer jacket” comes from the puffed exterior that adds immense volume, but also adds a more protective layer against the cold. Many styles including puffer vests, cropped puffer jackets, and drawstring jackets have become popular. Puffer jackets are generally warm enough to avoid having to wear additional layers, adding to the functionality of the jacket that makes it popular. 

In order to elevate any outfit, accessories are a must. Winter accessories can help put together your look while keeping you warm. One popular accessory is an earmuff. Earmuffs cover your eyes, protecting you from the wind while preserving any type of hairstyle. There are also countless types of earmuffs, from large, fuzzy ones to knit. Other accessories include hats and gloves, which also come in various styles. You can choose to sport a beanie or opt for a full monkey cap. Scarves are also popular during the winter, as they protect your neck while adding a pop of color or sophistication to any outfit. 

The most important thing when talking about winter fashion is that you feel comfortable and warm. Adding layers and accessories during freezing temperatures can help prevent sickness while making you look as fashionable as ever. Make sure to stay bundled up and have a safe but fun holiday season!