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Oh so thankful

Welcome. Today, we are going to be thankful. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we shall give thanks to this wonderful place we call home. There is a lot to be grateful for at Stevens, and I am going to teach you how to be. Especially since we all could use some more positive energy in our lives. 

Step 1. Be present and notice things around you. 

If you ever open your eyes and look around, one thing that you cannot miss is the presence of some suspiciously tilted buildings across a beautiful river. When something is continuously so close to us, we tend to take it for granted by getting used to its presence. So take a moment to sit on the various areas on campus facing New York City. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth of your jacket as you sit in the chilly wind. Count till ten while focusing on how cold your nose feels. Open your eyes and truly take a moment to see what is in front of you. As the warm light from the sunset reflects perfectly against the World Trade Center and as the sky blushes under your gaze, remember that this is exactly why your tuition costs so much. 

Step 2: Pay attention to the details

While we all are continuously stressing over our courses and professors, we can get caught up in complaining about every inconvenience. But think about the small things that did go right. I didn’t miss my classes today! I have a jacket to keep me warm! I have a meal plan! I live on a beautiful campus! I got a free donut from the Sweet Shop because I went in three minutes before they were about to close! Even if none of these things apply to you, you are reading this article, which means that at least something is going right. You are taking the time to read this, for which I want to thank you. You go to Stevens, a university filled with some amazingly bright students. Can we use some improvement on our communication and social skills? Sure, we all can, but at the end of the day, we are surrounded by an endless amount of opportunities. Take a moment to thank yourself and those who support you for the sheer ability of being able to go to college. Some people have been with you through thick and thin, go up to them and say thanks. Or even better, write a letter to them and watch them grow overly sentimental. If they are like me, watch them become really touched by not knowing how to show affection so they just awkwardly smile and say thanks through their teary eyes. 

Step 3: Write your observations down

Sit in a safe and comfortable spot. Close your eyes while you think about the things you love. Maybe it’s your family, your childhood home, your friends, the city, the beautiful sunsets on the campus, anything. Fill your heart with the warmth of those memories. As I celebrated Diwali this weekend, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for having a home and people I could celebrate it with. Write your feelings down somewhere so that whenever you feel down, you know what makes your heart full, and you can uplift yourself. And no, journaling is not just for girls. Try it out sometime. 

There is a lot to love about life, and it becomes easier to see that when you go to a university like Stevens. Sure there might be some things that could be fixed, but at least we don’t have to take 30 minute bus rides to get to the other end of campus. We have a great community here, and there is something for everyone, so smile a little. Go jump through the leaves, take a walk down the colorful Washington Street, enjoy the chocolate croissant from Gateway, and say thanks to those wonderful ladies while you’re there. Finally, don’t forget to thank yourself for being here because you are the only one who will be there for yourself for the rest of your life.