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Why does candy corn exist?

Throughout the history of the world, there have been many theories about why things are the way they are in the world. Some people believe cats are apathetic because they are the reincarnations of people who worked dead-end jobs in their previous lives. Other people believe that the ocean is always blue because it listens to news about the modern world. However, one discovery was finally made about one aspect of the world: the reason why candy corn exists.

Long ago, when the world was starting anew, humans and corn kernels were the same size, so they managed to live together in harmony. However, genetic mutations caused humans to grow in size, and since the humans needed more food in order to survive, they started preying on corn kernels. Some of the corn kernels started to hide on trees in order to avoid getting eaten, and that’s how corn on the cob became a thing. Unfortunately, humans continued to grow and keep eating the corn kernels, even those that hid on trees. So, the corn kernels all came together in order to discuss what to do about the humans. They decided to create fake corn kernels that the humans could eat, which would eventually kill them. The fake corn kernels were colored in orange, white, and yellow to attract the humans and make them addicted. That is why candy corn came to exist and why humans get sick from eating too much of them.