As we pass through midterm season and everyone begins to spend all their time studying, there is only one thing on my mind: What should I be for Halloween this year? It is such a simple, yet troublesome question, but I tend to enjoy the challenge associated with figuring out a fun costume that falls within my very, very, small budget. However, I like to say that in the brokest days come the greatest moments of inspiration. I remember in my sophomore year, I was at a Spirit Halloween that was briefly open next to the CVS on First Street, and I was desperate for anything that could’ve led to something that resembled a costume. I felt as if I was at my lowest when I turned to my right, and it was sitting there with what felt like a glowing aura around it, a bald cap. This was what I needed, and for less than $15 I was on my way back to my apartment with the best costume idea ever: Mr. Worldwide. The next day I bought a cheap suit from St. Mary’s Thrift Store, ordered a crappy pair of sunglasses, and the scene was set. Let’s be real for a second, if you’re getting desperate for an easy costume and Halloween is right around the corner, try to find a bald cap and follow suit. When Halloween came, I had a blast, and everyone seemed to appreciate the effort I put in.
But to have fun on Halloween, you honestly don’t even need a bald cap. I understand with classes picking up, and an overall low desire to not only find something to dress up but to spend money on that Halloween can seem dreadful and boring. I can assure you that it is anything but that. Even though we may be smack dab in the middle of midterm season, and your coursework has finally begun to become more rigorous, you should make an effort to get dressed and show yourself off. I feel as though Halloween only happens once a year, and you may come to regret it if you miss it. During my first year, the COVID era, I don’t have any memory of doing something extravagant for Halloween, so I highly recommend you find a way to go out and enjoy yourself with those that are important to you!
At the end of the day, this is one of your last Halloweens whether this is your first or fifth year, for me this very well may be my last Halloween that I really celebrate on my way to the grave. So, it only makes sense to make the most of it. If you’re still not convinced that you have what it takes to get dressed and go out, I will give you some costume suggestions: you could buy a sheet and be a ghost, or use that sheet and make a toga, or a nun (using the same sheet), or anything you want. Happy Halloween!