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Time management: How to keep up with the whirlwind of your life

Time management is a must, whether due to rigorous courses, piles of homework, classes on top of internships, or attempting to have a social life and get enough sleep. However, keeping up with a student’s responsibilities can often take work. Here are some tips on how to effectively manage your time. 

The most effective time management skill is setting goals and organizing priorities. When faced with 10 homework assignments, four exams, six club meetings, your friend’s birthday, and 30 voicemails from your parents, it is essential to realize that some tasks may not be as important as others. While it may be difficult, it will make life significantly easier. Tell your club you might need to skip a meeting, plan to hang out with your friends over the weekend, or tell your parents you’ll call them over the weekend (but make sure you do). 

Another excellent method of time management is minimizing distractions. Whether turning on do-not-disturb, noise-canceling earplugs, or closing the blinds, limiting the number of distractions in your workspace helps you get more done but also helps to train your brain. By having an excellent place to focus, over time, you will train your brain that this area is for work and increase your stamina without feeling like you need to check your phone. 

In a more literal manner, one time management method is — managing your time. Whether through Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, iCloud Calendar, Notion, or old-fashioned color-coded paper, making a schedule is essential in managing your time. Setting time aside to study, go outside, have lunch, or go to bed and see it adjacent to your classes, different meetings, and when assignments are due is a great way to stay on top of long-term goals and plan your day.

Above all of the different time management techniques—priorities, scheduling, distractions—one has the potential to make or break all the others: maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Suppose you do not have a healthy lifestyle. In that case, it will be harder to stick to a sleep schedule, you will lose focus, and many basic tasks will go from being cleanly organized on your schedule to taking up most of your mental energy. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, maintaining hygiene, getting a good amount of exercise, and maintaining good mental health will significantly improve your time management.  

Effective time management is crucial for students to balance their academic, personal, and professional lives. Without it, essential tasks and long-term projects can become demobilizing, drastically making your life more difficult. Time management tips like prioritizing tasks, minimizing distractions, creating a schedule, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you stay on top of your school work, job, social life, and mental health. With these tips, you can achieve your goals, reduce stress, and enjoy your college experience fully. Time is valuable: managing it well is the key to success. So don’t be afraid to sit in a nice quiet space with your neatly color-coded schedule, and stay on top of your time management skills.