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Stevens RHA attends regional business conference

As part of their growing effort to improve Stevens living, Stevens’ Residential Housing Association (RHA) recently sent a delegation to the Central Atlantic Affiliation College and University Residential Housing (CAACURH) Regional Business Conference to learn more about other RHA chapters from around the region. 

The best part of living on campus is that, living on campus. It is the job of RHA here on campus to make living on campus more enjoyable. Through event planning, communication across resident halls, and opportunities to meet those who live in your building, the RHA makes Stevens more enjoyable to live in. The RHA attendance at the business conference helped bring knowledge from the region to Stevens. 

Over the weekend of February 24 to 26, three members of Stevens’s RHA, their President, National Communications Coordinator (NCC), and NCC in training boarded a plane for the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio for CAACURH’s regional business conference. The weekend’s itinerary included boardroom meetings, socials, ceremonies, a banquet, and an indoor carnival. 

One of the more important aspects of the regional business conference is the boardroom meetings. These are sessions where each school that attends the conference gets to discuss, propose, and vote on important decisions for RHA and National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) chapters across the region. The sessions followed parliamentary procedure (like that of a Model United Nations or United States Congress session) with different members of delegations acting as voting members, depending on the session. Voting matters included logistical aspects like host sites for future conferences, positions on the Regional Board of Directors, and awards like NCC, RHA president, and school of the year. In these boardroom sessions, the Stevens delegation represented Stevens’ residential students when voting for policies and sponsoring the Stevens community for awards.

However, even though these voting sessions are essential to the functioning of CAACURH, one of the most beneficial aspects of Stevens’ attendance is learning about what other schools across the region do. From internal procedures, event ideas, and ways for students to get more involved, different schools all have unique ways of operating, and the regional business conference offers a space for everyone to share what they do at their institution.

Being involved on campus is one of the best ways to fully experience college life. RHA offers great opportunities for students to meet their peers and learn skills that will help them in the professional world. At the CAACURH regional business conference, Stevens’s RHA delegation learned about the successes of other schools and represented Stevens to schools from across the nation. RHA welcomes any interested members to join by reaching out to their hall councils.