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Posts published in “Year: 2022

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

The first time I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, it was a school night in late January of 2014.

Why I hate recycling

As a kid, I thought that I was an environmentalist because I turned off the lights when leaving a room, used a reusable water bottle, and recycled.

A scandal at OTP

We here at Off the Press pride ourselves on our immaculate journalism, our commitment to reporting the truth no matter how improbable it may seem, and our rigorous drive to keep everyone informed of the goings-on around campus.

My busiest week (so far)

After last week, I am now officially in the thick of the semester. The norm of near-constant classes, meetings, rehearsals, and work have replaced the relative calm I experienced in my first several days back on campus.

First month thoughts

I think we all know that college can be exciting yet overwhelming for many beginners, but what exactly is going through the freshmen minds?

A walk in the park

I’ve decided Sundays are the perfect day to hit New York City and simply walk around. Inspired by the popularization of the “hot girl walk,” I paraded West Village and SoHo until I found myself in Washington Square Park.

How music influences our brains

Music therapy has been around for centuries, as the earliest recorded reference to music therapy was in 1789. Nonetheless, its use didn’t officially take off until the 20th century, when the National Society of Musical Therapeutics, the National Association for Music in Hospitals, and the National Foundation of Music Therapy were created.

The benefits and biases of AI image generation

Recent innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology have made image generation much easier. Over the course of the summer, companies like Google and OpenAI, as well as other smaller programming teams, have released access to their attempts at creating an algorithm capable of generating images from text.